Saturday, December 8, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Merkava siman 3 Dalet
He's my really modrn build - the Israeli Merkava 3 Dalet tank! The subject looks cool and I was very happy to buy a plastic 1/35 copy this sumer. Not resin ha-ha )) As I started the build I managed to write a review for M-Hobby magazine (to be followed by a build feature).
Now, that took me several months to finish the Merk, now here are the pics:
Now, that took me several months to finish the Merk, now here are the pics:
Israeli armor,
local wars,
Monday, August 6, 2012
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
IDF Nagmachon. WIP 1
Unlike most of armies, Israeli Defense Force focus on armor protection of their APC, instead of upgrading the firepower. It makes sense, since any dirty-assed "freedom fighter" with an RPG can easily destroy a thin armored vehicle armed with 100mm gun. Nagmachon APCs feature thicker tank armor + ERA blocks. As for other APCs, they feature even more sophisticated composite armor like MBTs. A friend of mine while riding inside an Achzarit (T-55 based APC with composite armor) survived RPG attack without being injured. 4 RPG grenades hit the Achzarit but fortuntely they failed to penetrate the armor and injure the soldiers. Namera features even more powerfull armor package, similar to Merkava 4.
Nagmachons saw extensive service in 1990s in the Security zone in Southern Lebanon, fighting Hizballah terrosts. In the 21st century they (being equipped with "doghouses") oppose "palestinian" terrorists in Gaza, Judea & Samaria.
I decided to build an early version (late 90s - early 2000s) without a superstructure. I'm combining Legends resin conversion kit & AFV club Centurion's suspension and lower hull. Some other aftermarket & scratchbuilding parts are involved

Nagmachons saw extensive service in 1990s in the Security zone in Southern Lebanon, fighting Hizballah terrosts. In the 21st century they (being equipped with "doghouses") oppose "palestinian" terrorists in Gaza, Judea & Samaria.
I decided to build an early version (late 90s - early 2000s) without a superstructure. I'm combining Legends resin conversion kit & AFV club Centurion's suspension and lower hull. Some other aftermarket & scratchbuilding parts are involved

Israeli armor,
Type 2 Ka-Mi
Article about the model was published in Tamiya Model Magazine International #200
japanese armor,
BT-5, Spanish Civil War
During Spanish Civil War, the USSR supported Spanish Repulican forces with "volunteers" and tanks, including 50 BT-5 ones. They saw extensive action since late 1937 and some of them became Nationalst trophies with colorfull bands on the turret to avoid friendly fire.
The only BT-5 kit is a crapy & old Zvezda's one. Thet's why I chose Rhino model resin hull & Tamiya BT-7 turret for my project. Both were corrected to fit BT-5 + some scratchbuilding and other aftermarket goodies were used. Hardcore weathering is the thing I like, besides it's quite all right for Spanish climate in winter, late fall or early spring.
An article is published in recent AFV modeller issue 65
The only BT-5 kit is a crapy & old Zvezda's one. Thet's why I chose Rhino model resin hull & Tamiya BT-7 turret for my project. Both were corrected to fit BT-5 + some scratchbuilding and other aftermarket goodies were used. Hardcore weathering is the thing I like, besides it's quite all right for Spanish climate in winter, late fall or early spring.
An article is published in recent AFV modeller issue 65
local wars,
soviet armor
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
M4A3E8 Easy Eight Sherman, Korean War
I wanted to build a Sherman with such markings for some 7 years, being inspired by a model on the Internet and photos of real vehicles (incl. ones with M1919 on an infantry tripod) Fortunately Tasca released the kit in 2011 and I bought it as soon as possible. However overall quilaity of the kit was good, IMHO Tasca's VVSS Shermies are superior. And the wide tracks... guy who engeneered those tracks should be sentenced to assembly them all his life cause it's a real torture.
I used various PE, turned and scratchbuilt parts to enhance my Easy Eight and many weathering products to obtain the dirty and tired look of the finished model
Published in English..
... and Spanish
I used various PE, turned and scratchbuilt parts to enhance my Easy Eight and many weathering products to obtain the dirty and tired look of the finished model
Published in English..
... and Spanish
local wars,
US armor
Chinese M4A4 Sherman
I finished the superb Tasca kit almost a year ago - in 2011. I think that Tasca's VVSS Shermans are the best. I really enjoyed building it !) And the decals were taken from an old DML kit. The markings were typical for 1st Provisional Tank group, that saw action against Japanese forces and later during the Chinese Civil War against the Communist troops
An article was published in M-Hobby magazine issue 05-2011
and recently in AFV modeller special Sherman issue:
An article was published in M-Hobby magazine issue 05-2011
and recently in AFV modeller special Sherman issue:
Soviet T-60 Light tank
The small light tank played a significant role in 1941-42 before numerous T-34 became available from evacuated tank plants. Unfortunately major manufacturers ignore this subject and only available kits are old, inaccurate and crapy. Mine RPM kit fearured generic PE fret, but is very far from being perfect, suffering from poor detailing and accuracy issues. And it was hard to find one on the net.
It took me a lot of time & scratchbuilding to finish it + several aftrermarket updates were used.
The first layer was modulated green color, followed by hairspray & white finish.
It took me a lot of time & scratchbuilding to finish it + several aftrermarket updates were used.
The first layer was modulated green color, followed by hairspray & white finish.
soviet armor,
winter camo,
Monday, March 26, 2012
Lebanese M-50 Sherman
I finished my 2nd M50 as a late vehicle in Lebanese service. Since mid 1970s Israel supported her Lebanese Christian allies with various AFVs, including aging M-50 Shermans. With minor modifications they saw action in 1980s against various muslim terrorist militias during the Civil war.
For my model I used Formations resin turret, DML hull and a lot of aftermarket and scratchbuilt parts. The camo scheme - grey & green was taken from T. Gannon's book.
An article was published in Scale Military Modeller International, May 2011 issue
For my model I used Formations resin turret, DML hull and a lot of aftermarket and scratchbuilt parts. The camo scheme - grey & green was taken from T. Gannon's book.
An article was published in Scale Military Modeller International, May 2011 issue
Israeli armor,
local wars,
Staghound Mk. III
The Bronco kit is very good in accuracy and the details fit well. A few aftermarket parts were added, the wheels slightly modified) stowage was taken mostly from the Legends kit.
While painting, I decided to used dark base colors (Agama & Tamiya acrylics) and use oil & pigment rainmarks for contrast. US designed Staghounds saw extensive srervice in foreign armies, including Canadian forces.
I had started the kit in 2008, repainted it once or twice until finished in 2010.
an article was published in Hobbyworld magazine, issue 146
While painting, I decided to used dark base colors (Agama & Tamiya acrylics) and use oil & pigment rainmarks for contrast. US designed Staghounds saw extensive srervice in foreign armies, including Canadian forces.
I had started the kit in 2008, repainted it once or twice until finished in 2010.
an article was published in Hobbyworld magazine, issue 146
IDF M151A2 Djapas utility car
The small model had been a shelf queen for ages before I finished it in 2009. Several times I repanted and disassembled it. Many aftermarket and scratchbuilt parts were used.
M151s enterd IDF service in the early 80s (or late 70s) and all of them seem to be of A2 version, unlike Academy's A1 offer. The only A1 photos of Israeli vehicles seem to be Jordanian trophies. I finished my Djapas as a vehicle during Peace for Galilee operation, 1982, armed with old M1919 instead of more common MAG. M151 are still in service in IDF reserve units.
M151s enterd IDF service in the early 80s (or late 70s) and all of them seem to be of A2 version, unlike Academy's A1 offer. The only A1 photos of Israeli vehicles seem to be Jordanian trophies. I finished my Djapas as a vehicle during Peace for Galilee operation, 1982, armed with old M1919 instead of more common MAG. M151 are still in service in IDF reserve units.
Israeli armor,
local wars
M-50 Sherman Degem Aleph, 1956-58
To oppose arabs' T-34-85 & Pz IVs, Isrealis retrofit their Shermans with powerfull French 75-mm gun ( derivative from WW2 Panther tank gun). The same gun was used on AMX-13 tanks an Egyptian Shermans M4/FL-10. Handfull of M-50s were available during operation Kadesh (Sinai campaign) in 1956. During 1950s-80s M50s saw action in Israel and Lebanon, were upgraded and exported to several countries.
Some time ago Dragon re-released their old M-50 kit, but in 2009-10 no M-50 was avaliable. That's why I kitbashed an ancient MP models turret and a modern DML composite Sherman hull. It took me a lot of time to detail and accuratize my model using various aftermarket and scratch-building.
Some time ago Dragon re-released their old M-50 kit, but in 2009-10 no M-50 was avaliable. That's why I kitbashed an ancient MP models turret and a modern DML composite Sherman hull. It took me a lot of time to detail and accuratize my model using various aftermarket and scratch-building.
Israeli armor,
local wars
Soviet T-80 Light tank
The WW2 T-80 tank was a successor of the T-70M tank. Less than 100 T-80s were built by several factories. The tanks' potos are rare, I have less than a dozen.
I started building the Miniart kit back in 2008 using Aber PE kit and Modelpoint barrel. the damned barrel resulted in remaking the whole gun mask to fit it in place. Lot of work ( So I left the model aside and resumed building it in 2009. By that time I decided to depict a battered & battle-worn look with missing and crashed parts.
I started building the Miniart kit back in 2008 using Aber PE kit and Modelpoint barrel. the damned barrel resulted in remaking the whole gun mask to fit it in place. Lot of work ( So I left the model aside and resumed building it in 2009. By that time I decided to depict a battered & battle-worn look with missing and crashed parts.
soviet armor,
Bulgarian Pz 38 (t) Ausf. G
During the WW2 Bulgarian armed forces recieve dozens of AFVs from their German allies. Those included armored cars, SPGs and tanks including several Pz 38 (t). Eventually those armor pieces were turned against Nazis as the Red Army approached Bulgarian borders.
I couldn't help choosing all those Bulgarian markings including the Jolly Roger! ;) Unfortunately the decals' quality was not perfect( However the kit is almost perfect and doesn't need any aftermarket, I added a few scratchbuilt parts. I used Tamiya & MM colors and a lot of weathering stuff.
And it won the 3rd place in the Web Awards'2009 contest at
An article was published in AFV modeller magazine #52.
Chinese Nationalist Pz. IA
In 1930s Chines Nationalist under Chiang Kai-shek recieved AFVs and other war material from many countries, including USSR and nazi Germany. Ironically small Pz I tanks saw action against another Axis power - Japan. All of them were either knocked out or captured.
Cheinese decals were taken from Bronco CV tankette and the kit itself is a DML Smart kit. It is a perfect weekend model. Even liitle track links are ready to assemble ) So I had a lot of fun building the little tank.
To paint and weather the model, I used Tamiya paints, MIG filters, pigments and wash, Windsor & Newton oils and a pencil)
Cheinese decals were taken from Bronco CV tankette and the kit itself is a DML Smart kit. It is a perfect weekend model. Even liitle track links are ready to assemble ) So I had a lot of fun building the little tank.
To paint and weather the model, I used Tamiya paints, MIG filters, pigments and wash, Windsor & Newton oils and a pencil)
chinese armor,
local wars,
Panzer 38(t) Ausf. E/F. Red Army trophy
In 1941-42 Soviet army captured some Pz 38(t) tanks. Some of them were operated in german colors, other - repainted in 4BO green color and retrofitted with DT instead of ZB vz.37 machineguns. I finished my Praga tank in original german colors with soviet marks, balkenkreuzes were covered with mud.
Tristar kit is extremely accurate and needs no aftermarket imho. It's building is very user-friendly. I added only the wiring and decals from ACE trophy set.
An article about the model was published in M-Hobby magazine #6/2009
Tristar kit is extremely accurate and needs no aftermarket imho. It's building is very user-friendly. I added only the wiring and decals from ACE trophy set.
An article about the model was published in M-Hobby magazine #6/2009
soviet armor,
Type 95 Ha-Go light tank
It took me some time to find and buy the Finemolds kit. The good news is that now it's available under Tamiya banner)
The model is not modern and required some filling. However the box features several white metal and PE parts.
I used Modelkasten tracks (very tedious to build) and Elf headlight to enhance the kit.
I chose a grey-brown Navy color scheme that looks interesting to me. Markings were taken from the box, a Behemot decal sheet and anchors were hand-painted. I used Tamiya acrylics, MIG filters & pigments, Windsor and Newton oils.
An article was published in Russian M-Hobby magazine, issue 8-2008
The model is not modern and required some filling. However the box features several white metal and PE parts.
I used Modelkasten tracks (very tedious to build) and Elf headlight to enhance the kit.
I chose a grey-brown Navy color scheme that looks interesting to me. Markings were taken from the box, a Behemot decal sheet and anchors were hand-painted. I used Tamiya acrylics, MIG filters & pigments, Windsor and Newton oils.
An article was published in Russian M-Hobby magazine, issue 8-2008
japanese armor,
IDF Hotchkiss H39. War of Independence, 1948
As the State of Israel was established in 1948, Arab enemies immideatly attacked the new-born Jewish state. Five arab states (+ "palestinian" militias) against 1 Jewish. To fight the enemies Israel used whatever was avalable. 10 ex-french H39 tanks (some of them were German trophies as well) were shipped to Israel and participated battles since July, 1948. I built my Bronco kit with extensive use of Eduard PE and scratch built parts. The base color was a nice shade of OD by MM followed by green MIG filter and further weathering.
Israeli armor,
local wars
Japanese SPG Ho-Ni 3
The kit was finished by the end of 2007 becoming my 1st Japanese armor piece.
Ho-Ni 3 was a tank destroyer, armed with a 75mm bun in a closed superstructure with 25-mm armor. It was intended to be used for protecting the hime islands and thus did not see action. My heavy weathered model may depict a vehicle on a field exercise.
Finemolds kit may be rare and a bit pricy but the quiality and parts fit are very good. I added superb Fruilmodel tracks and Elf headlight. Little PE fret was in the box as well.
For the model I chosed a picturesque camo scheme with acid yellow stripes. It was not typical by 1944-45, but looks damn cool! :) I used enamel & acrylic paints, pigments and so on. Rainmarks were painted using Tamiya Buff color according to MiG's method. Tracks were chemically rusted.
I wish to thank my Israeli friend Boris Kuznetsov for the image processing.
Ho-Ni 3 was a tank destroyer, armed with a 75mm bun in a closed superstructure with 25-mm armor. It was intended to be used for protecting the hime islands and thus did not see action. My heavy weathered model may depict a vehicle on a field exercise.
Finemolds kit may be rare and a bit pricy but the quiality and parts fit are very good. I added superb Fruilmodel tracks and Elf headlight. Little PE fret was in the box as well.
For the model I chosed a picturesque camo scheme with acid yellow stripes. It was not typical by 1944-45, but looks damn cool! :) I used enamel & acrylic paints, pigments and so on. Rainmarks were painted using Tamiya Buff color according to MiG's method. Tracks were chemically rusted.
I wish to thank my Israeli friend Boris Kuznetsov for the image processing.
japanese armor,
Soviet T-70 Light tank
The Miniart kit is simple, but "tasty", I enjoyed building it. I did not have Aber PE kit back in 2006, but used some scratchbuilding instead. I replaced the grilles, made weld seams, engine louvres and so on. I delibarately chosed very light green MM paint because dark little model look crapy and details are "unreadable". Dusting was done using Tamiya weathering set.
soviet armor,
American M3 Lee Medium tank
I had been thinking of building the 3-storey tank for years and finally in 2006 I build one. It was a that day new kit by Academy. It features ~70% the subject's interior and is overall superior than ancient Tamiya kit. However it suffers from several accuracy issues and the parts don't fit perfectly. I used some aftermarket goodies and scratch-build parts for my General Lee. Painting was done using MM & Tamiya acrylics, Agama pigmentsm, oils etc. I think that Lee/Grant model will enchance every modeller's shelf.
US armor,
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Jagdpanzer IV
Here's my very old Zvezda kit. Actually the only ww2 german subject since I do not build wehrmacht stuff. The kit was built back in 2003 or 2004 to renovate my past modelling skills... and zvezda stuff turned out to be really crapy. I painted it with my friend's airbrush, MM & Tamiya enamel pains. Mud was done from mud)
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